# Video freezes / stuttering / bad performance

This could come from your hardware not being powerful enough to display the specific video properly. A video wallpaper isn't comparable to standard video players, it must be composed with the icons as well and potentially stretches over multiple screens. It is also using the video decoder of your GPU by default to reduce CPU usage to a minimum.

# Background recording hooks

It could also come from any kind of driver features to record applications like ReLive, Shadow Play/Nvidia Share or Windows GameDVR. Try disabling them and see if it makes a difference, then exclude Wallpaper Engine from them. Also make sure no other recording/overlay programs load themselves into Wallpaper Engine and slow down rendering.

You can try to use our scan tool to determine if any programs are installed that are known to cause these types of issues. Keep in mind that our scan tool is not able to reliably detect the root cause of this problem - it may fail to detect any problem or it may report an application even though it is unrelated to your issues:

# Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) / GPU Scaling

Driver level hacks like GPU Scaling/DSR could cause issues as well, try disabling them and if that helps, disable them for Wallpaper Engine specifically.

# Bad performance in dwm.exe in systems with multiple GPUs / multiple screens

If you have enabled the integrated GPU on your desktop PC in the BIOS although a dedicated graphics card is installed, you can experience bad performance and high CPU usage of DWM.exe. If possible, do not enable your integrated GPU. It's very important to plug all your monitors into your dedicated graphics card. Using both GPUs at the same time will break hardware acceleration of the desktop window manager. Without Nvidia Optimus technology or similar, Windows will be forced to copy the wallpaper image from one GPU to the other - a slow operation. In fact any shared action between your GPUs will suffer from this, it is the same as moving a game window right between both monitors.

This specific issue does not affect hardware built for multi-GPU setups like laptops with Nvidia Optimus or proper Nvidia SLI / AMD Crossfire setups with a hardware bridge.